Immunity boasting foods for covid-19

        Khulbe Post

Know how to keep yourself fit during this quarantine .

By Nitin Khulbe (Author)

We all know that coronavirus had affected the whole world and till now now not a single nation have made the vaccine to recover from this epidemic .So I had published this article so that you can keep yourself and your family safe from this epidemic. 

Did you know what helps us to 
recover from dieseases and help us 
to fight against them? 
The answer is Immune system , 
But How can we build up our Immune system to fight against coronavirus ?
 What foods should we include in our diet so as to keep ourself away the reach of coronavirus ?
Many of the countries are trying to build up a vaccine for coronavirus and earn popularity in the world .
We don't know about the vaccine but we should kept a knowledge about any other methods to fight Corona.
Below given are the top foods one should eat as to make herself / himself fit during the quarantine.

Spinach is a wonderful green leafy plant which you should 
always add to your everyday diet .It seems not so delicious on
eating ,but you will have to ignore the taste if you want a 
healthy and lean body .Spinach contains all the necessary
elements for building up one's health like protein,calcium,iron,
magnesium,pottasium and vitamin A.


You all must know about Turmeric and its benefits. It is used
from thousands of years as a medicinal herb and spices.
Turmeric had been used since years to cure many dieseases 
It contains many Antioxidants which also oxidises skin and
make it smooth. But our main focus is on the level of immunity 
increase by Turmeric, It contains one of the best minerals a herb 
can ever have, it not only increase the level of immunity but 
also act as a skin protector and especially keeps us safe from 
human hunting Brain disorders.

#3 Ginger

Turmeric and Ginger belongs to the same family ,so Ginger 
and Turmeric have many properties in common and Ginger often 
acts a Turmeric in many criterions. Did you know to which extent
Ginger can be beneficial to you? It can cure some of the most 
Dreadful and painful problems especially Cancer. Yes , the use of 
Ginger can take you away from the reach of diseases like Cancer 
and Coronavirus(epidemic). Ginger also reduces the pain at the 
time of Menstruation, According to researchers a woman taking 
250 gm Ginger 4 times a day have the same relief as a woman 
taking medicines on time of menstruation. I recommend to 
consume Ginger during this epidemic.


How can we forget that our body also needs vitamin C which
basically we get from citrious fruits. Our body gets all the essential 
protein and fibres from the food we eat but the main source of
vitamin C in our body are citrious fruits like lemon,grapes,etc.
They help in the treatment of cancer and reduces the danger of 
stones in kidneys. As to keep yourself completely fit and fine you 
must consume Citrious Fruits. But too much intake of Citrious Fruits 
might cause cavity.


Yoghurt is an excellent complete diet in itself,It contains high 
amounts of protein,calcium,fibres and calories. Consumption
of fresh yoghurt daily leads to a good immune system and 
and a perfect personality , It also helps in gaining weight. As
yoghurt is a product of milk hence it contains the similar amount
of energy but less than milk because the process of making 
yoghurt by fermentation leads the breakdown of some of the 
important proteins and fibres.


Banana is a perfect fruit which contains low sodium and high 
pottasium.It contains around 300-400 mg of pottasium which 
is 10% of our daily potassium need. Mostly sports persons eat
banana many times in a day as it digests quickly and provide 
instant energy to body. Keep an eye on banana and make it a 
part of your daily diet.


"Green tea" which you have many times from your gym trainer and
might have seen multiple times on advertisements given by your
favourite actors and co-stars. It is a #1(best) product to increase 
your metabolism and it helps us body mainly in Detoxification,
it contains the vitamin A,B,C and Iron like crominium and
 magnesium,It is very affective against losing weight and 
making your body slim .But it is considered that one should
 not consume it more than two times a day.


Sunflower seed is the product that alone contains all the rich
sources that are mentioned in the above food. Let me tell you 
about its benefial affects, that are reduce in blood pressure,
cholestrol,fat etc. and it contains vitaminA,B,D,E and iron
like magnesium,potassium. It  helps in increasing your brain
 power and Concentration power that will lead you to live a
 healthy life and keeps away from the reach of cancer,brain 
diesease, heart diesease, diabetes etc. It contains high amount 
of omega-3 and is also rich in fatty-acids. But it is quite expensive
and can be bad for health if not consumed in a right way like 
adding execess salt in it.

This ends up the lists of all the healthy foods

WARNING: Taking excessive amount of above mentioned foods
can be negative for health

Enjoy your quarantine food! 


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